The documentary “The Retirement Deception” breaks new ground in the exploration of retirement planning. This pioneering film, championed by contributing producer Zach Fleming, ventures beyond the usual portrayals, presenting authentic stories from real, hard-working Americans who are experiencing retirement without compromising their lifestyle and with peace of mind.
Produced by best-selling authors and filmmakers Brett Kitchen and Ethan Kap, the documentary embarks on an extensive 18,000-mile journey across the United States, capturing the varied and genuine experiences of retirees. These individuals demonstrate how they successfully live their retirement years by defying conventional expectations.
Challenging the retirement planning status quo, the film probes deeper into what really makes a retirement successful. Kitchen and Kap interact with numerous retirees during their travels, uncovering what truly brings joy and satisfaction in retirement. They delve into whether a big nest egg is the sole key to a content retirement or if other, more intangible aspects hold greater significance.
“The Retirement Deception” scrutinizes the traditional advice, offered by Wall Street, and suggests alternative approaches for financial security and peace of mind. The film highlights true stories of Americans who have adeptly managed their retirement, providing insights and strategies for viewers.
For a preview of the film, watch the trailer at
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